Transforming an organization towards a positive experience in and out There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Designing the internal capabilities of the Design Team There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
How a young insurer transformed to a customer-focused approach There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
BNP Paribas Cardif UXTowards a stronger self-administration There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Towards a new service for small businesses Objective To increase the market share of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Hypothesis The search for more personalized experiences makes small businesses’ owners much more demanding customers with the services they hire than…
Enhancing the clients’ investment experience Objective To increase the portfolio and volume of investment clients. Hypothesis By understanding the client’s experiences when getting information, contracting and rescuing investment products we could be able to customize solutions that…
Caligram: How might we engage California residents in the voting process? Challenge & Outcome Starting by identifying our target audience, we could narrow it down and use tools such as interviews, street intercepts and observational research to gather insights about them. After getting…
Empowering college students through a unique learning journey Challenge & Outcome Students are well aware of the soft skills needed to thrive in the workforce, yet they are often not receiving the adequate preparation that they seek and deserve. At…
Galicia Bank: Discovering innovation initiatives to drive… innovation Challenge & Outcome Galicia Bank is the largest, privately owned bank in Argentina. In order to remain leaders in the competitive financial services market the bank put in practice several years ago…
Top Shelf Books: Designing the future of bookstores Challenge & Outcome Over the last decade the numbers of bookstores have been declining and different technologies such as e-commerce and audio books threaten the existance of printed books. We asked oursselves:…